Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A day trip to Hollywood...

Friday was a fun filled day in HOLLYWOOD! Little did we know...we had planned our trip (well in advance I might add!)unexpectedly for the day after Michael Jackson died. The city was crazy due to the news that broke the day before...needless to say, we saw some interesting sights! It was fun regardless of the crazy people and the craziness we experienced!

We started our day at the Hollywood and Highland Shopping center and took a great Starline tour around both Hollywood and Beverly Hills. I just can't miss a night of TMZ on TV so I was so excited to see all of the HOT SPOTS around the city that I heard mentioned so often on the show. Our tour was rather exciting, stopping at such locations (well a stop long enough to snap a quick snapshot) such as Sunset Tan (an E! show that I loved!), both Courtney Cox's and Jennifer Aniston's homes, Michael Jackson's former residence (it was a zoo! With police outside and weirdo fans it was a sure sight!), the Spelling House, etc.
We finished our day by heading to The Grove (often seen on TMZ too! We set our sights on seeing a celebrity, but no luck!) and Farmers Market. Shopping, shopping, and more shopping was the name of the game that night! Unfortunately, I let my credit card do too much work though! Oh well, fun times call for a lot of spending! =)

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