Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Craft Room....

I finished! After a few months of procrastinating, I made my space complete! I still have to add some finishing touches (I plan on using chalk board paint and painting one in between the two wall units...If you know where I can find cute white vintage frames (cheap ones!) to frame my board, please let me know!) here and there, but for the most part my "cave" is complete!
I broke out the Cricut machine and the vinyl and made a name for my room (perhaps a business name?)!

I stuck with a red, black, and white theme...I'm all about the colors matching...weird, I know!

2 chairs...one for me and one for a guest! Ha!

Those little jars aren't full enough!

I crack up when I find Mike hanging out in my little room...he always seems to find his way in there for something even though he laughs at it....all in all, it is a perfect place for me to try and get some projects done! We'll see! =) By the way, thanks mom and dad for this wonderful christmas present! I love it!

Valentine's Day

Mike and I had a very nice day together...loved the fact that it was also a 3 day weekend! We started off the day by heading up north to the Irvine Spectrum. The movie theatre was packed...of course we just had to see "Valentine's Day". How could I resist! I can honestly say, it is by far one of my favorite movies now! After the movie, we made our way to Zitos. Zitos is by far our very favorite Italian food restaruant in Orange County! Every time we are in Orange County, we don't even think twice about going anywhere else...it's that good! After that, Mike and I truly realized that we are complete dorks! We witnessed a crash before getting on to the 55...yah that's the bad part...anyway, we waited around to see what was going to happen and sure enough the fire department was called...could we have left? No! Mike had to wait and see if his dad's old fire crew would be on their way...sure enough they were! We waited over 45 minutes just to sit in the car and watch the fire department come and go! Valentine's Day was spent how? Ahh!
After 45 minutes of watching (by the way, no one was hurt...thank goodness!) we made our way closer to home and stopped at our favorite Yogurt Land in Mission Viejo! What a great day it was...despite the fact that we wasted 45 minutes, it truly was a nice and relaxing day that we both really enjoyed! =)
While shopping at Urban Outfitters that day, I could not resist buying this for his Valentine's Day present...it was just toooo perfect! =)

2-7...another year older

Last year, my BIG present was going to Oahu...that is where Mike and I spent my birthday and Valentine's Day...(oh how I wish we could go back...I'm waiting...patiently....)


So sad to reminisce about how beautiful it is there...my eyes get teary just thinking about it =(

Enough about me missing Hawaii....This year my family and Mike's mom (his dad is a little too far away right now to have joined us...we sure wish he was here to enjoy the fun!) came down to our house to help me celebrate...

Every year, my sister and I always ask my mom for her famous chicken tacos...instead, this year she made delicious enchiladas!! Yum! I was one happy girl!

Makena LOVES birthdays! She couldn't wait to help her auntie with all of the birthday activities...

Of course she helped blow out the candles (yes, another mom creation...homemade oreo cookie cake with buttercream Oreo frosting...now who is the lady that should have a blog?!)! =)

Thank you for making my birthday VERY special everyone!!

ONE LAST NOTE...... If you are ever on the North Shore, I HIGHLY recommend you go to Ted's Bakery in Sunset Beach...this was my birthday cake last year...a chocolate cream pie...seriously the best pie I have EVER had... (not homemade by my wonderful mom, but it sure was DELICIOUS!!)...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A few Valentine's gifts...

The little clip is to hang a photo on...

I sanded the edges and used distressing ink

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More to see!

I know, I know...it has taken me a while to get pictures up of "the room", but I promise I will (hopefully by the end of the weekend!). In the meantime, I provided you with some great "eye candy" (a.k.a. awesome ideas!) by adding more links under "Ideas, Ideas, Ideas"....hope you enjoy!