Friday, July 29, 2011

Firefighter Olympics

The California Firefighter Olympics is when most fire departments (from Northern and Southern California) compete in competitions such as softball, paddle boarding, surfing, etc. Mike was set to play with his department (Huntington Beach Fire Department) and play softball.

Luckily the Olympics was hosted by Newport Beach Fire Department so we didn't have to go too far. We ventured up to Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach for a few days while he was off on his 6 day break for him to play in the softball tournament.

On his first day, they played 2 games. They won the first, but lost the second. The weather was perfect for some softball watching! Mike's mom came with us to help me cheer Mike and his team on! When Mike was little, he used to watch his dad compete in the same tournaments. This time, he was actually playing! On the second day, they also played two games. I can't remember if they won or lost :( Mike scored TWO home runs for his team! Yay! We were so nervous (brought back memories for Mike's mom when he used to play baseball) when he was up to bat! What a great few days that was! Looking forward to next year and hoping it's hosted by a department that is close by!

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