Thursday, August 6, 2009

On The MOVE Again....

When you think you have finally settled down, life throws you that curve ball! I'm on THE MOVE AGAIN! You're probably thinking that we're moving (as in we sold our house and we are picking up and leaving lovely Carlsbad)...NOPE! Just moving GRADE LEVELS folks (due to low enrollment in Kinder, I'm moving :( )! I'm sad to leave Kindergarten behind, but I'm looking forward to starting again in 3rd! I am very excited though because I'll be back with my old team who I love dearly! I will miss my Kinder team MUCHO (Cristin, can I still come in your room when I need to? Jennie, I will promise to share my ideas with you!)!!! What an exciting turn of events!! This is my 4th move at the same school and 4th classroom! Whew! I'm getting pretty good at this whole "setting up my classroom at the last minute" thing!! =)


  1. Oh boy...another move! Well at least it's a grade you've taught before!
    By the way, LOVE the new titles on the blog...I need to spend more time making mine cute!

  2. Erica-the cookie recipe is posted! I hope your year is going fantastically! :-)
